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Social housing clients and consultancy partners

Primary Business Support has worked directly for clients in a range of business areas.  We have also worked with a number of organisations putting together solutions for clients.

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PBS Client Sites - click on map to expand

WBC Zinc roofing replacement
Maisonettes, Andover


Clients include:

  • Aster Property Management

  • Baqus Boxall Sayer Construction Consultancy

  • Bartlett Alms Houses
    Review of internal procedures; commissioning a stock condition survey and development of financial forecasts covering a range of scenarios.

  • Blake Lapthorn Solicitors
    Solicitors with a dedicated specialised social housing department.

  • Bracknell Forest Homes
    Working on a contract review toolkit.

  • BSW Building Services Ltd
    Assisted with bid preparations.

  • CIH consultancy
    Working as Associate Interim Manager.

  • Century Group
    Facilities management company with offices in Bournemouth and Southampton.  Assisted with bid preparations.

  • Clarke Willmott Solicitors

  • Drum Housing Association
    Interim management.

  • English Rural Housing Association
    A housing association dedicated to providing rural housing.  Assisted with contract procurement, including S20 leaseholder consultation.

  • Frances Horn Interiors

  • Gloucester Rural Housing Association
    Transfer of engagements to another housing association.

  • HouseMark
    (as associates working at numerous social landlords undertaking performance validation and consultancy).

  • HydeMartlet

  • Julius Rutherfoord
    A high quality London based commercial cleaning company with excellent back office support for clients as well as excellent service at the point of delivery. Assisted with bid preparations.

  • Magna Housing Association
    Various projects including procurement and service review.

  • New Forest Villages Housing Association
    Procurement of a responsive repairs contract and transfer of engagements.

  • Radian Group
    Consultancy and policy review.

  • Signpost Housing Association
    Various projects including procurement (including S20 leaseholder consultation) and service review.

  • Soroptimist (Eastbourne) Housing Association
    Transferred business to Sussex Housing and Care under a transfer of engagements.

  • Southampton City Council
    Consultancy work for SCC Housing Service.

  • Southdown Housing Association
    Service charge consultancy.

  • Spectrum Group

    Process review on voids and grounds maintenance.  Undertaken a  groupwide strategic review of grounds maintenance services and working with a cross-cutting team on the procurement of new contracts, concentrating on the technical specification and providing support in the S20 consultation requirements.

  • Test Valley Borough Council
    Consultancy with TVBC Housing Service.

  • Test Valley Rural Housing Association
    Lead consultant and Company Secretary. Business transferred to English Rural Housing Association in April 2011.

  • Testway Housing Ltd
    Service review, procurement and general consultancy

  • The Gundreda Housing Association
    Transferred business to Sussex Housing and Care under a transfer of engagements.

  • University of Southampton Science Park
    Undertaking a survey of housing need in support of planning strategy.

  • Waterloo Court Residents' Management Ltd
    Managing leasehold management committee business.

  • Woking Borough Council
    Procuring asset management contracts in readiness to bring the housing management function back in-house

  • Wokingham Borough Council
    Working as an interim Procurement Manager,  Programme Manager and interim Asset and Maintenance Manager in the Tenant Services Team revising and delivering the Decent Homes programme, capital works and responsive repairs service through the Asset Management team, also undertaking a team restructure and recruitment campaign (working as an Associate to Consult CIH and later directly to WBC).


  • Plus others...

Those we have worked with include:



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